The data from the distribution atlas of fungi in Switzerland are available for research and practice (nature conservation projects, environmental impact assessments) and can be obtained via an application form. In addition to mycological data, data from other groups of organisms can also be requested. Please note the tariffs for data requests and submit your request directly to the InfoSpecies office. Applications are usually answered within two working weeks. Details on the use of data are regulated in the current guidelines of the national data centres. Please note that the data centre SwissFungi is not able to verify all incoming fungal records completely for a correct identification or coordinate errors and therefore cannot guarantee the correctness of the information.
The data centre SwissFungi provides you with an up-to-date checklist of all known fungal species in Switzerland. Since the taxonomy of fungi has been strongly in flux since the advent of molecular genetic investigations, not all taxa can be given current names. The database always lags somewhat behind the development. In addition, the list does not claim to be complete. Currently (2.5.2018) 8996 taxa are known for Switzerland.