Contents ¶
Factsheets ¶
Information for the most important invasive neomycetes have been compiled in fact sheets. A complete collection of these fact sheets can be found in the following list:
- Lecanosticta - needle blight of pines [in German] (Pathogen: Lecanosticta acicola)
- Dothistroma (red band) - needle blight of pines [in German] (Pathogen: Dothistroma spp.)
- Canker stain of plane [in German] (Pathogen: Ceratocystis platani)
- The chestnut blight disease. [in German] (Pathogen: Cryphonectria parasitica)
- The ash dieback disease [in German] (Pathogen: Hymenoscyphus fraxineus)
- Dutch elm disease [in German] (Pathogen: Ophiostoma novo-ulmi, O. ulmi)
- Octopus Stinkhorn, Basket Stinkhorn [in German] (Clathrus archeri), (Clathrus ruber)
- Oak mildew [in German] (Pathogen: Erysiphe alphitoides, E. hypophylla, E. quercicola)
- Eater of Salamanders [in German] (Pathogen: Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans)
- Paralysis funnel [in German] (Paralepistopsis amoenolens)
- Root disease of alder [in German] (Pathogen: Phytophthora ×alni, P. ×multiformis, P. uniformis)
- Orange pore fungus [in German] (Favolaschia calocera)
- Petrakia beech leaf blight [in German] (Pathogen: Petrakia liobae)
- Sudden Oak Death [in German] (Pathogen: Phytophthora ramorum)
- Sooty bark disease of sycamore [in German] (Pathogen: Cryptostroma corticale)
- Asian hazel powdery mildew [in German] (Pathogen: Erysiphe corylacearum)
- Asian ash powdery mildew [in German] (Pathogen: Erysiphe salmonii)
- Chestnut ink disease [in German] (Pathogen: Phytophthora × cambivora, P. cinnamomi)
- Crayfish plague [in German] (Pathogen: Aphanomyces astaci)
- Kernoviae beech dieback [in German] (Pathogen: Phytophthora kernoviae)
- Heterobasidion root disease [in German] (Pathogen: Heterobasidion irregulare)
- Alder rust [in German] (Pathogen: Melampsoridium hiratsukanum)
- Groundsel rust [in German] (Pathogen: Puccinia lagenophorae)
- Aquilegia downy mildew [in German] (Pathogen: Peronospora aquilegiicola)
- Goldenrod rust [in German] (Pathogen: Coleosporium solidaginis)
- Golden oyster mushroom (Pleurotus citrinopileatus) and other naturalized cultivated mushrooms [in German]
Practitioner's guide ¶
The following five factsheets on neomycetes were published in 2006 as separate data sheets "Invasive alien species in Switzerland. Factsheets" in connection with the FOEN report "Non-native species in Switzerland".
» download here
- Aphanomyces astaci (pdf, 149 KB)
- Ceratocystis ulmi (pdf, 160 KB)
- Cryphonectria parasitica 2 (pdf, 149 KB)
- Phytophthora quercina (pdf, 147 KB)
- Phytophthora ramorum (pdf, 162 KB)