The Enforcement aid Biodiversity in Forests: Aims and Measures (in German) of the FOEN (2011) aims to promote and conserve biodiversity in Swiss forests. Among the fungi, 735 of the 934 priority species occur in forests. The publication defines 27 fungal species as forest target species (national priority species with need for action 2).
The action plan for the promotion of target species in sparse forests (2020, in German) combines species and habitat promotion. When planning and implementing projects to promote sparse forests, the current and potentially occurring target species and their habitat requirements should be given greater consideration in future. The list of target species of sparse forests used for this report comprises 234 species, including 12 species of fungi.

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Imesch N., Stadler B., Bolliger M., Schneider O. 2015: Biodiversität im Wald: Ziele und Massnahmen. Vollzugshilfe zur Erhaltung und Förderung der biologischen Vielfalt im Schweizer Wald. Bundesamt für Umwelt, Bern. Umwelt-Vollzug Nr. 1503: 186 S.
Imesch N., Spaar R. & Stöckli B. 2020. Aktionsplan zur Zielartenförderung im lichten Wald. Anleitung zur Kopplung der Zielarten- und Lebensraumförderung. InfoSpecies und AG Waldbiodiversität SFV, 23 S. + Anhang.